A lot of these recipes were made after watching and reading lots of other recipes. I'll try to link to some of them. Shankarpali (or shakkarpara) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hqufRC0MWo In a pan, heat 1 part sugar + 1 part water + 1/2 part ghee (Original recipe calls for one part). Add a pinch of salt. Bring everything to a boil and cool it. Add as much Maida as will fit into it, to make a hard dough. Immediately start preparing the shankarpali. Roll out into a thick disc. Cut into small diamonds with a crinkle cutter. Deep fry on low to medium heat in oil. Farsi Puri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h985cGEAk0I I pretty much did this one based on my own instincts. Mix maida, salt, ajwain, red chilli powder, a little haldi (could have skipped), lots of crushed black pepper, ghee with muthi padtu mon. Make a medium to hard dough with water. Set aside. Knead and roll into a large disk. Use a cookie cutter to cut into small puris. Dock with a fork and deep fry on low (th...